Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Catching Up.....

Well…..it’s been awhile….where to start. Would you believe that I had to look at my schedule to remember what all we have done in the last month!! Whew…..we have been busy. But as I said in my last Caring Bridge update….I am trying to figure out how to keep up and maintain my sanity in the midst everything right now. It is our life and it is not going to slow down (not too much anyway). I tend to get overwhelmed when we get busy. This is not a good thing considering how busy we seem to be staying! I am trying to focus on God’s plan for me and trust in him. Some days that it easier said than done. I just pray that I can rest in his peace all the time.

So, I have a few things to catch up on!! Since I posted last we have had a few changes. Nothing major…but just a few new things!

The kids are participating in Awanas again this year. Hayden is a Spark and Hayley is a Cubbie. The new thing here is that Alex is old enough now to be an Awana Puggle. Another new thing is that I am teaching Puggle’s this year. I was a helper last year but this year I am the leader. It is so fun watching the two year olds. We have a good group and I think it is good for Alex to be in the type of environment. It helps with all the training we are working on! Hayden and Hayley always amaze me at how well they can remember and recite their scriptures. It encourages me to want to learn more myself!!

Next, we started Upward Soccer. This is the first year that our church has done soccer (we have had basketball for the last 3 or 4 year). I am helping coach and we are having a blast with the kids!! Hayden really loves playing!! He was so excited after his first game!

What kid wouldn't think this was fun!?!?!

There are a few other things to tell you about but I am going to save them for separate posts!

This time of the year is always busier for us anyway!! Hayden and Hayley have birthdays in November and December plus the holidays!! We have a lot to get in before the end of the year! I plan to do a better job of keeping up with the blog in the next couple of months…….hopefully I can keep you up to date on all our excitement!


  1. AWESOME soccer picture! I bet Hayden loved to see it too!! Pepaw said he thinks Hayden really "gets it"! He sure does try hard!
    Also it is awesome to see Alex being a part of a lot more things these days! I love how he will show you what he wants, and his silliness is so much FUN! I am so looking forward to their BIRTHDAYS!
    Your both doing a GREAT job keeping up with all that you do!

  2. Thanks mom.....y'all help a lot and that does make it easier!!
