Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Even though I just did my last week’s Thankful Thursday, I thought I should do another…..since it is Thursday and all!!

Today, I am thankful for getting to go shopping with my mom!

I am thankful for Dr. Pepper (even though I shouldn’t drink as much in one day as I did today).

I am thankful for getting to coach Upward basketball (with my sister).

I am thankful that we have plenty of clothes to wear (I have to remind myself of this as I look at heaping mounds of dirty laundry).

I am thankful for my friends.

I am thankful for calendars and legal pads (it seems as though I am living by them these days).

I am thankful for Christmas lights and the memories they bring (rocking babies in the middle of the night).

I am thankful for my husband who usually knows what to say or do when I need a boost!!

If you haven’t noticed……the things I am thankful for are random and really the things that are coming to mind right now. I like reminding myself to be thankful more often. It sure does help me have a better outlook on my week!

Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

1 comment:

  1. You are an awesome sister and person Jennifer. Love you!!!! I am thankful we are sisters... So glad God put us together as sisters....
